Griffin Stafford Hospitality’s principals each have thirty plus years of experience in the hospitality industry. In addition to their operational expertise, they have extensive experience in commercial real estate and specifically, practical knowledge of the hospitality real estate sector.
Griffin Stafford has assembled a talented group of professionals to manage the operation of its hotels, manage the physical assets and oversee the development, acquisition, and disposition of its assets. Hotel general managers are required to meet or exceed the company’s high bar for operational expertise, and just as important, to embrace the company’s strong service culture. Griffin Stafford’s leadership places a high value on managers who are committed to providing exceptional service to our guests and other clients. We understand that the most powerful marketing message comes from well-satisfied customers who advocate for the hotel.
Griffin Stafford’s principals also place great emphasis on thoughtful and proven asset management. The company believes that each hotel asset must be properly maintained and updated as needed in order to be attractive to its customers. No matter how well the general manager and his or her staff deliver service to their guests, the guest experience will be undermined if the hotel is in disrepair or is significantly outdated compared to its competition.
In the area of hotel acquisition, development and disposition, Griffin Stafford’s principals have brought together a group of professionals, inside and outside of the company, who have years of experience in hotel development, the acquisition of operating hotels and the disposition of owned hotels. We understand how to manage development costs; properly value existing assets for acquisition; and how to best price and time the sale of owned assets to capture the maximum return for investors.